Periodical printed edition (journal)
Registration certificate PI No. FS 77-79357 dated 16.10.2020 (previously PI No. FS 77 - 66379 dated 14.07.2016 and PI No. FS 77-54416 dated 10.06.2013)
The Editorial Board accepts previously unpublished articles of 8 pages or more, including an author's abstract, abstract, keywords, tables, figures and a bibliographic list.
The authors must submit to Editorial team the following:
- текст статьи, содержащий:
- ключевые слова (5-10 слов), напечатанный на листах формата А4 (статья должна быть подписана всеми авторами). Ключевые слова - на русском и английском языках;
- аннотацию (не менее 150 слов и не более 250 слов) на русском и английском языках;
- electronic version of article and abstract in MS-Word or RTF format (the file name indicates the first author's last name and the first word of the article title). The paper version must fully comply with the electronic version;
- application for article publication (download the application form): last name, first name, patronymic, academic degree, academic title, workplace (full name of organization), position, work address, home address, contact phone number, e-mail;
- postgraduate students who submit articles for consideration without co-authors, in addition to the mandatory documentation, submit a certificate of postgraduate study and a recommendation from the supervisor to the editor. The recommendation should contain the article title and the author's name, signature, signature clarification, organization name, to which belong the head, and organization seal;
- report on plagiarism checking in Antiplagiat program ( If the original work is less than 80 %, it is returned for revision.
The registration on the portal - as well as filling in the data in the profile of Your personal account are obligatory. The detailed information is provided in the Instructions for working with the registration form. All Academy's scientific publications will be assigned international DOI numbers гnder the agreement between VSUFT and SIC Infra-M, the. One of the stages of this process is to provide authors with personal and scientific information, which will also be used while assigning an ORCID to the author.
We draw your attention to some points:
- registration confirmation code is valid for 15 minutes;
- full name and patronymic must be specified;
- dates can be typed using the keyboard in the format: year-month-date,
- Social insuarance number and passport data are not required;
- scientific information should be filled in as fully as possible.